segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

Biosfera 387 Calcarios vulneraveis

Pode o traçado de uma autoestrada e a exportação de pedra sobrepor-se à preservação de água de qualidade, utilizada no abastecimento público? A resposta está à vista nas Serras d´Aire e de Candeeiros. Desordenamento do território, perda de calcários e falta de esgotos acentuam a vulnerabilidade do aquífero cársico mais produtivo do país.


Documentário filmado no Workshop de Agrofloresta com Ernest Gotsch, organizado pela Cooperativa Sitio, em Mangualde, Portugal, sobre o conhecimento e filosofia por trás deste modo de agricultura sustentável e o interesse que suscita em tantas pessoas.
A agrofloresta (ou floresta de alimentos) é um método de produção que propõe, não a criação de um novo ambiente produtivo, mas que o homem, e a produção agrícola da qual tira proveito, integrem um ambiente florestal. O método é, na sua essência, uma tentativa de imitar a natureza. Na natureza a maioria das plantas vive em associação com outras espécies, das quais necessita para um crescimento pleno.
Nos anos 70, Ernest Gotsch, trabalhou no melhoramento genético de espécies vegetais. Esta pesquisa permitiu-lhe concluir que, em vez de adaptar as plantas cultivadas, podia obter melhores resultados se criasse agroecossistemas em que as plantas, num sistema de cooperação, se desenvolviam vigorosamente sem inputs químicos. Implantou inúmeros sistemas complexos e altamente produtivos que dispensavam todo o tipo de adubos e agrotóxicos. Desde 1993, depois de alcançar resultados extraordinários, tem-se dedicado ao ensino e transmissão dos seus métodos em todo o mundo. Hoje, Ernst presta assessoria a organizações não governamentais, universidades e órgãos de assistência técnica rural em quase todas as regiões do Brasil assim como a organizações da Europa e da América Latina.

Documentary shot in an Agroforestry workshop by Cooperativa Sitio, in Viseu, Portugal, about all the knowledge and phylosophy that's behind it and the interest of so many people in this way of sustainable agriculture.
Agroforestry (or food forestry) is a production method that proposes, not the creation of a new production environment, but that man, and the agricultural production from which takes advantage, are included in a forest environment. The method is, in its essence, an attempt to imitate nature. In nature most plants live in association with other species, witch they need for a complete and healthy growth.
In the 70′s, Ernst Gotsch worked with the genetic optimisation of plant species. This research lead him to the conclusion that instead of trying to adapt the species, he could get better results if he created agroecosystems in witch plants, in a cooperatave system, would develop vigorously without chemical inputs. He Implemented numerous complex and highly productive systems that avoided all kinds of fertilizers and pesticides. Since 1993, after achieving outstanding results, he has dedicated himself to teach his methods All over the world.
Today, Ernst advises non-governmental organizations, universities and rural technical assistance agencies in almost all regions of Brazil as well as organizations in Europe and Latin America.

Ervas de Zoé

Negócio mudou vida de dois lisboetas

terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013

Qu'est-ce que la décroissance soutenable?

Dans le cadre de Café-Jasette, le 14 septembre 2012 Yves-Marie Abraham, professeur à HEC Montréal, était au café La Petite Cuillère pour une conférence intitulée : qu'est-ce que la décroissance soutenable?

terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013

Food MythBusters -- Do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world?

For more information, Sources & Citations, and database of the research sources used :
Join the conversation on Twitter by using #FoodMyths

How can we feed the world -- today and tomorrow?

The biggest players in the food industry -- from pesticide pushers to fertilizer makers to food processors and manufacturers -- spend billions of dollars every year not selling food, but selling the idea that we need their products to feed the world. But, do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world? Can sustainably grown food deliver the quantity and quality we need -- today and in the future? Our first Food MythBusters film takes on these questions in under seven minutes. So next time you hear them, you can too.

Teaming with Microbes : The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web (Revised Edition)

By Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis

Smart gardeners know that soil is anything but an inert substance. Healthy soil is teeming with life — not just earthworms and insects, but a staggering multitude of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. When we use chemical fertilizers, we injure the microbial life that sustains healthy plants and become increasingly dependent on an arsenal of artificial, often toxic, substances. But there is an alternative to this vicious cycle. We can garden in a way that strengthens the soil food web — the complex world of soil-dwelling organisms whose interactions create a nurturing environment for plants.

Teaming with Microbes extols the benefits of cultivating the soil food web. First, it clearly explains the activities and organisms that make up the web. Next, it explains how gardeners can cultivate the life of the soil through the use of compost, mulches, and compost tea. The revised edition updates the original text and includes two completely new chapters — on mycorrhizae (beneficial associations fungi form with green-leaved plants) and archaea (single-celled organisms once thought to be allied to bacteria).

With Jeff Lowenfels's help, everyone — from devotees of organic gardening techniques to weekend gardeners who simply want to grow healthy, vigorous plants without resorting to chemicals — can create rich, nurturing, living soil.

segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2013

VOLUNTARY SIMPLICITY : The Poetic Alternative to Consumer Culture (24 min)

"VOLUNTARY SIMPLICITY: The Poetic Alternative to Consumer Culture” was produced and directed by Amir Dervic & Tanja Capic duo from NO WAY Productions. Original music score written, composed & produced by Samuel Alexander & Andy Gibson (see the soundtrack clip AFFLUENZA: ).

“VOLUNTARY SIMPLICITY: The Poetic Alternative to Consumer Culture” was produced for Plug In TV, a documentary filmmakers initiative here in Melbourne which we were a part of in 2008/9. The documentary made its broadcast premiere on C31, Melbourne's community TV station, in April 2009 and since then it has appeared on a number of local and international festivals. Strangely, the documentary even made its way into the University of Illinois Sustainable Business course curriculum.

THE DOCUMENTARY “Voluntary Simplicity: The Poetic Alternative to Consumer Culture” explores the philosophy behind Voluntary Simplicity, what potential or significance it has as a quietly emerging social movement and what its limitations might be. Presented by Samuel Alexander, a part-time lecturer and doctoral student at the University of Melbourne Law School, and the founder of the Life Poets Simplicity Collective. Living simply and happily in a small hut that he built himself using mostly abandoned materials, he spends his time quietly planning, with youthful ambition, the non-violent erasure of consumer culture.

“Live simply, so others may simply live.”(Gandhi)

Decrescimento : O que é essa palavra repulsiva?

Video 2: "Decrescimento: O que é essa palavra repulsiva?" da série "Compreendendo o Decrescimento": uma série de 10 vídeos de Vincent Moreau, para o coletivo francês "Décroissance 2012″, com o Vincent Liegey do Partido pelo Decrescimento (Parti Pour La Décroissance). Traduzido por Mildred Gustack - Projeto Nova Oikos, com o suporte de Maiara Líbano para as legendas e de Sandrine Cuvilliers para a revisão das traduções! Obrigada pelo suporte meninas!

O objetivo de legendar este video é ajudar na compreensao do debate sobre o termo "Decrescimento". Comentários são bem-vindos.

Originais no site do Parti pour la Décroissance:

Conheça o movimento no Brasil:

Agroecology as a Transdisciplinary Participatory & Action-oriented Approach

Agroecology as a Transdisciplinary Participatory & Action-oriented Approach | PRESENTER: V. Ernesto Méndez, Gund Fellow, Associate Professor in the Environmental Program/Plant and Soil Sciences department at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at UVM.

This event is part of the weekly Gund Tea Series, an opportunity for affiliates of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics and the broader University community to engage in robust discussion about topical research, current events, and relevant theory. The Teas host visiting scholars and research associates from around the world, as well as some of the Gund's very own fellows & students.

A Production of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, an affiliate of the Rubenstein School for Environment & Natural Resources at the University of Vermont

The Gund Institute is a transdisciplinary research, teaching, and service organization focused on developing integrative solutions to society's most pressing problems. We conduct integrative research and service-learning projects on a broad range of topics, offer hands-on learning through our problem-solving workshops and courses, develop online teaching resources and international collaborations through metacourses, and support professional and graduate education through our Graduate Certificates in Ecological Economics and Ecological Design. Learn more about the Gund community of students, scholars and practitioners by exploring our news, publications, and video archives, then contact us to help us build a sustainable, widely shared quality of life.

For more information visit:

Agroecología como servicio ecosistémico

Proponemos la Agroecología como fórmula de acercamiento entre la naturaleza y el quehacer humano, para que la vida siga su curso y la humanidad pueda continuar en el planeta con calidad, justicia y soberanía.

Lilliam Eugenia Gómez Álvarez Ph.D. Ecoetología I.A

Lía Isabel Alverar Ramírez Candidata a MsC. I.A Agroecóloga

Je construis ma maison moi-même

Qui n' a jamais rêvé de vivre dans un cocon à son image ? Une maison qui nous ressemble, que l' on a imaginée, conçue. De plus en plus de Français décident de sauter le pas et de construire eux-mêmes leur maison, comme Sergio Pereira et sa maison vertueuse, ou Séverine et Nicolas qui construisent un loft, ou encore Fabienne et Dominique en phase avec la nature. Ils ont tous décidé de s' inscrire dans l' époque, en renforçant plus encore les performances en matière de protection de l' environnement et d' économie d' énergie

Paul Stamets at TEDMED 2011

Paul Stamets, mycologist talks about the antimicrobial properties of fungi, how they can be used as potent insecticides, and how they may help boost the human immune system.

Paul Stamets : 6 ways mushrooms can save the world

Mycologist Paul Stamets studies the mycelium -- and lists 6 ways that this astonishing fungus can help save the world.

domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2013

Human Powered Machines - Can Pedals Power the World?

Peak Moment 221: Jump on that bike and power up the blender for your morning smoothie! Matthew Corson-Finnerty shows several machines he has developed while at Aprovecho Center in Oregon. Watch us pedal power an electricity generator, a grain mill, a blender, and a straw-chopper. Matthew notes thereapos;s "considerable difference between the power that one person can generate, and [whatapos;s] generated by a fossil fuel engine or a coal-fired plant to provide electricity." After watching these machines, what do you think? [,]

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