segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2013

Agroecology as a Transdisciplinary Participatory & Action-oriented Approach

Agroecology as a Transdisciplinary Participatory & Action-oriented Approach | PRESENTER: V. Ernesto Méndez, Gund Fellow, Associate Professor in the Environmental Program/Plant and Soil Sciences department at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at UVM.

This event is part of the weekly Gund Tea Series, an opportunity for affiliates of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics and the broader University community to engage in robust discussion about topical research, current events, and relevant theory. The Teas host visiting scholars and research associates from around the world, as well as some of the Gund's very own fellows & students.

A Production of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, an affiliate of the Rubenstein School for Environment & Natural Resources at the University of Vermont

The Gund Institute is a transdisciplinary research, teaching, and service organization focused on developing integrative solutions to society's most pressing problems. We conduct integrative research and service-learning projects on a broad range of topics, offer hands-on learning through our problem-solving workshops and courses, develop online teaching resources and international collaborations through metacourses, and support professional and graduate education through our Graduate Certificates in Ecological Economics and Ecological Design. Learn more about the Gund community of students, scholars and practitioners by exploring our news, publications, and video archives, then contact us to help us build a sustainable, widely shared quality of life.

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