domingo, 30 de setembro de 2012

Le bio au banc d'essai


Le commerce des produits biologiques connaît actuellement une expansion phénoménale en Europe. La demande toujours plus forte incite les agriculteurs à produire plus, ce qui implique une professionnalisation des paysans. Parallèlement, la recherche se développe. En Allemagne, il s'agit de trouver des moyens de lutte bios contre la mammite, une infection localisée dans les pis des vaches laitières. En France, un chercheur teste un mélange de levures destiné à enrayer le développement de bactéries néfastes dans le vin. Ailleurs, un éleveur a créé un poulailler révolutionnaire, qui provoque la disparition du comportement agressif des volatiles.

Adieu Veau, Vache, Cochon, Couvée - Un documentaire de Béatrice Limare


Il n’y a pas si longtemps, la viande était un aliment rare et exceptionnel. Comme le sont encore aujourd’hui le caviar et la langouste, comme ne le sont déjà plus le saumon fumé ou les fraises en hiver !

Aujourd’hui, la viande s’est banalisée. Plus accessible, pré-conditionnée, surgelée, sur tous les étals, elle s’est transformée en quelques dizaines d’années en un produit omniprésent, un produit de grande consommation.

Pour être produite en quantités suffisantes la viande a nécessité une révolution profonde de l’élevage. De traditionnel, il est devenu intensif et industriel. Avec des contraintes de rendement telles que beaucoup d’élevages sont devenus de simples usines. Des éleveurs aveuglés par la productivité qui en arrivent à oublier les animaux et ne voient plus que des protéines sur pattes. Des usines qui confinent les animaux dans des chaînes de production de composants nécessaires à l’industrie agroalimentaire. Mais ces usines, soumises à un système industriel lié aux impératifs du marché, sont devenues pour beaucoup d’animaux une immense fabrique de souffrance. Ces usines à viande mettent en œuvre toutes les techniques, tous les moyens les plus efficaces, les plus rentables pour produire les animaux nécessaires à notre immense appétit de viande. Mais à quel prix ?

Une production Cinétévé, avec la participation de France Télévisions, de la RTS et du CNC

Source :

Nos poubelles passent à table

La moitié de la nourriture part dans les poubelles. Que ce soit chez les producteurs, au sein des réseaux de distribution ou directement chez le consommateur, les déchets de nourriture représentent aujourd’hui des enjeux environnementaux, économiques et de solidarité majeurs.

Pourquoi les boulangers produisent-ils systématiquement 10 à 20 % de plus que ce qu’ils vont vendre ? Pourquoi une orange fait-elle 2 000 km pour atterrir dans nos poubelles ?

Pourquoi nos poubelles créent-elles de la faim dans le monde ?

Face à toutes ces questions dérangeantes, des individus, dans le monde entier, expérimentent des solutions variées, de New York au Cameroun, en passant par l’Autriche, l’Allemagne ou la France.

Source :

Prep Tech - Root Cellar - Goat Hollow Contest Entry


Not picking on goathollow this time. He's a good sport, but I don't want to get on his bad side until after I win the hat.

The root cellar is a possible resource that should not be overlooked by preppers or homesteaders.


Music provided by Kevin Macleod

Eliot Coleman (Four Season Farm) Keynote at VABF 2011


Year-Round Vegetable Production Using Organic Practices Eliot Coleman is one of America's most innovative farmers. His determination to grow organic vegetable crops during the winter for profit in Maine has started a revolution among small farmers and market gardeners throughout the temperate climate regions of the world. Thanks to Eliot Coleman's books such as Four Season Harvest and The Winter Harvest Handbook many Virginia farmers now look forward to the fall as a time to get started in crop production. Or-ganic growers are learning that there are often better opportunities for economic success in the cool off season than there are in the warm summer months. Quite a few members of the Virginia Association for Biological Farming remember hearing Eliot speak about organic farming practices used by small farmers in Europe at one of the Sustainable Agriculture Conferences held in Charlottesville back in the 1980s. His first book, The New Organic Grower had a huge influence on thousands of aspiring organic farmers. It gave everyone practical systems to follow in organic vegetable production that really worked. This book brought a great deal of new credibility to organic vegetable production by creating order out of chaos.

sábado, 29 de setembro de 2012

Bette & Dale's Farm : Organic Produce

Bette Lacina and Dale Haubrich farm less than two acres in Sag Harbor and East Hampton, New York. This is the story of how intense organic farming techniques can produce a bountiful harvest on very little land. Three parts.

Organic Farming : Can It Feed Us?


VVH-TV News Special

Karl Grossman Chief Investigative Reporter examines Organic Farming on Eastern Long Island.

What is organic farming?
Organic farming can be defined as an approach to agriculture where the aim is to create integrated, humane, environmentally and economically sustainable agricultural production systems. Maximum reliance is placed on locally or farm-derived renewable resources and the management of self-regulating ecological and biological processes and interactions in order to provide acceptable levels of crop, livestock and human nutrition, protection from pests and diseases, and an appropriate return to the human and other resources employed. Reliance on external inputs, whether chemical or organic, is reduced as far as possible. In many European countries, organic agriculture is known as ecological agriculture, reflecting this reliance on ecosystem management rather than external inputs.

The objective of sustainability lies at the heart of organic farming and is one of the major factors determining the acceptability or otherwise of specific production practices. The term 'sustainable' is used in its widest sense, to encompass not just conservation of non-renewable resources (soil, energy, minerals) but also issues of environmental, economic and social sustainability. The term 'organic' is best thought of as referring to the concept of the farm as an organism, in which all the component parts - the soil minerals, organic matter, micro-organisms, insects, plants, animals and humans - interact to create a coherent and stable whole.

The key characteristics of organic farming include:

protecting the long term fertility of soils by maintaining organic matter levels, encouraging soil biological activity, and careful mechanical intervention;

providing crop nutrients indirectly using relatively insoluble nutrient sources which are made available to the plant by the action of soil micro-organisms;

nitrogen self-sufficiency through the use of legumes and biological nitrogen fixation, as well as effective recycling of organic materials including crop residues and livestock manures;

weed, disease and pest control relying primarily on crop rotations, natural predators, diversity, organic manuring, resistant varieties and limited (preferably minimal) thermal, biological and chemical intervention;

the extensive management of livestock, paying full regard to their evolutionary adaptations, behavioural needs and animal welfare issues with respect to nutrition, housing, health, breeding and rearing;

careful attention to the impact of the farming system on the wider environment and the conservation of wildlife and natural habitats.

(c) WVVH-TV 2007 all rights reserved

quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2012

Utopia no Quintal - Permacultura e Cidade

Morada da Floresta

A Permacultura é um conceito que reúne técnicas e práticas visando a convivência sustentável entre o homem e o planeta. O vídeo-documentário Utopia no Quintal -- Permacultura e Cidade apresenta exemplos de pessoas que adotaram algumas dessas práticas em suas rotinas, provando que é possível aliar a preservação do meio ambiente à vida corrida das grandes cidades.

Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Jornalismo realizado na Universidade Metodista de São Paulo sob a orientação do Prof. Ms. Valdir Aparecido Boffetti.

Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Jornalismo realizado na Universidade Metodista de São Paulo sob a orientação do Prof. Ms. Valdir Aparecido Boffetti.

Realização: Daniela Catelli, Fernando Moura, Janine Abrão, Mateus Carvalho e Natália Belucci.
Imagens: André Silvério (Iso25), Gabriel Mussolino, Renato Neves e Fernando Moura.
Edição: Guatavo Linares, André Silvério (Iso25) e Anderson Domingues.
Arte: Pedro Zuraroni
Fotografia, arte e finalização: André Silvério (Iso25)

Agroecologia ajuda produtores rurais do Rio Grande do Norte a melhorar qualidade de vida


DOCUMENTAÇÃO - 09.09.12: Ética, respeito, igualdade e sustentabilidade! Esses são alguns dos valores presentes na agroecologia, que vem se fortalecendo no Rio Grande do Norte. As melhorias são visíveis para as famílias rurais e urbanas que estão envolvidas nos processos da agricultura familiar e que buscam uma qualidade de vida mais justa e digna para todos. Sejam nos espaços de comercialização ou no colorido das feiras de rua. A economia solidária mostra que é a cadeia de humanização que vem se consolidando e apresentando resultados.

Natures Matrix : Linking Agriculture, Conservation and Food Sovereignty

 John Vandermeer and Ivette Perfecto discuss their recent book: 'Natures Matrix: Linking Agriculture, Conservation and Food Sovereignty' UC Berkeley.

Building a composting toilet

It's so easy to build your very own sawdust composting toilet. Here's how.

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012

La ganadería ecológica. La Comunidad Valenciana

Miguel Angel Monteagudo

Documental realizado por Miguel Ángel Monteagudo y los alum@s del 1er curso del Ciclo de Grado Medio de Producción agroecológica - IES Gilabert de Centelles - Nules.
Año: 2012. Junio.
Se trata de una recopilación de entrevistas realizadas a personas vinculadas al sector de la ganadería ecológica en la Comunidad Valenciana, intentando dar una visión general de las técnicas de producción agroecológica en ganadería, la problemática existente actualmente en el sector, y las perspectivas de futuro.
Realizado con pocos médios, pero con mucha ilusión y trabajo.
Ficha técnica:
Guión y Dirección: Miguel Ángel Monteagudo
Grabación y Montaje: Roberto Salido y M. A Monteagudo
Trabajo de investigación y de clase: 1º C.M Producción agroecológica. IES Gilabert de Centelles - Nules. Curso 2011/2012

Impactos agrarios del cultivo de transgénicos en Aragón


EOI · 10/11/2011 ·

Jornadas Científicas Internacionales sobre Transgénicos ''Los transgénicos en el ámbito científico, agrícola, medioambiental y de la salud''

Microorganismos benéficos del suelo y plantas transgénicas


EOI · 10/11/2011 ·

Jornadas Científicas Internacionales sobre Transgénicos ''Los transgénicos en el ámbito científico, agrícola, medioambiental y de la salud''

Documental : ¿Qué comemos hoy? (agricultura ecologica e intensiva)

La nueva agricultura se realiza en grandes edificios tecnológicos con investigación en semillas, el objetivo es crear fruta con más peso y más atractiva en apariencia.
La agricultura intensiva ofrece frutas y hortalizas todo el año independiente de su hábitat y clima natural.
Los pollos convencionales viven unos 50 días. Son sacrificados con 2.5 kgs. y va cambiando su fisiología, el tamaño de las patas se ha recortado 6 cms. y tiene más partes nobles (pechuga).
Los huevos pasan 21 días incubando en máquinas de calor y son inyectados con vacunas y antibióticos para reducir la mortandad.
La crianza de peces en piscifactoria es el sector que más ha crecido en los últimos 10 años, estos peces obtienen un peso de 250- 300 grs, comen continuamente (100% hembras).
Hay crianza de peces en piscifactoria ecológicas, tardan 6 meses más en llegar a 250-300 grs., no están comiendo continuamente, hay mitad machos mitad hembras, tienen la misma longitud que la convencional pero menos grasa, el pez convencional tiene más grasa (sobrepeso) y las vísceras son más pesadas, y no se comen.
El objetivo del tomate de exportación es lograr que pueda durar entre 25-30 días en el estante del supermercado aunque sea incomible.
La dicotomía del agricultor es entre “un cuidador de la tierra” o un “ industrial de la producción”.

Peak Moment 219 : Prairie Fire - Revolutionize the Food System


Novelist Dan Armstrong's "Prairie Fire" is a fast-paced thriller whose characters forge unlikely alliances to revolutionize the American food system. It's spearheaded by farmers squeezed by skyrocketing oil prices while marketeers get whopping price gains. This revolution is unlikely to succeed, yet... well, we won't spoil it! In Dan's "Taming the Dragon", climate change causes Chinese grain production to plummet, bringing the world to the brink. Dan illuminates the real-world backdrop behind both novels. His solution? Localize food production. Meet farmer Harry MacCormack with exciting results in central Oregon. [,]

Audio and high-quality video at

Verge Permaculture interview w Toby Hemenway (Gaia's Garden)


Rob Avis of Verge Permaculture interviews Toby Hemenway, author of Gaia's Garden.

sábado, 22 de setembro de 2012

The potential of a productive, fossil fuel free agriculture - Johanna Björklund


The potential of a productive, fossil fuel free agriculture based on ecosystem services Johanna Björklund, Teaching Professor Agroecology, Örebro University

From the seminar 100% agroecology will feed the world!
Stockholm, Sweden

Tome Acção Para as Sementes Livres: 2-16 Outubro 2012 (Act for Seed Freedom)


Para a tradução, clicar no "campo das legendas" no lado direito da barra de controle do vídeo.

Junte-se ao Movimento Global para as Sementes Livres nas Duas Semanas de Acção de 2 a 16 de Outubro. Por favor envie-nos pormenores dos eventos e acções que tem planeados para que sejam incluídos no nosso calendário das Duas Semanas.

+ Act for Seed Freedom event page:
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No dig garden construction - workshop


This is the full video of the no dig garden construction workshop from 2009 that the previous quick video was made from. The video features Bob Jones and Myk Rushton

You do not have to follow the video specifically, you can use different materials - just follow the general pattern of construction

Visit the New Zealand no dig garden website or the if you wish to further discuss this or other techniques for a resilient future

Ecovillages and Permaculture : a reference model for sustainable consumption?


This is a documentary about ecovillages and permaculture seen from a sustainable consumption perspective. The intention is to show an example of lifestyles that take sustainability to the extreme, living and consuming in a way that causes minimum impact on the planet.


History of Seed Development in US

A snowstorm prevented many seed people from attending the Organic Seed Growers Conference a few weeks ago. A few of you asked if the session I did on public seed systems was recorded. It was not, but I did find this video taken by the good folks at Kohala Center from an event they put on in 2010, Hua Ka Hua – Restore our Seed; A Public Seed Symposium. It covers some of the same historical material on seed sector development in US (I was with OSA at the time, so job title is not current). Thanks to Kohala Center for making this and all the symposium presentations publicaly available through their site.

Source :

sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012

CRIIGEN GM Maize & Roundup Research Study


"Safe" levels of GM Maize and Roundup can cause tumours, multiple organ damage and premature death in laboratory rats, finds first peer-reviewed lifetime feeding trial

Learn more at

quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2012

Farmageddon - The truth about the food and dairy industry


1) Highlight and copy this videos URL address :
2) Go to
3) Paste the URL you just copied into the "VID" field and then click on VIDEO.
4) It will then give you options for download, download the MP4 file. You can then watch it without waiting for it to buffer and even better, burn it to DVD for others to see.

Americans' right to access fresh, healthy foods of their choice is under attack. Farmageddon tells the story of small, family farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through violent ac-tion, by agents of misguided government bureaucracies, and seeks to figure out why.

Filmmaker Kristin Canty's quest to find healthy food for her four children turned into an educational journey to discover why access to these foods was being threatened. What she found were policies that favor agribusiness and factory farms over small family-operated farms selling fresh foods to their communities. Instead of focusing on the source of food safety problems — most often the industrial food chain — policymakers and regulators implement and enforce solutions that target and often drive out of business small farms that have proven themselves more than capable of producing safe, healthy food, but buckle under the crushing weight of government regulations and excessive enforcement actions.

Farmageddon highlights the urgency of food freedom, encouraging farmers and consumers alike to take action to preserve individuals' rights to access food of their choice and farmers' rights to produce these foods safely and free from unreasona-bly burdensome regulations. The film serves to put policymakers and regulators on notice that there is a growing movement of people aware that their freedom to choose the foods they want is in danger, a movement that is taking action with its dollars and its voting power to protect and preserve the dwindling number of family farms that are struggling to survive.

domingo, 16 de setembro de 2012

Pallet to Chicken Coop

Chicken coop made out of 100% free pallets and a few other materials.

sábado, 15 de setembro de 2012

Permaculture - A Quiet Revolution

As corporate media fails to provide accurate news of the world's dire environmental predicament, the Earth sends a clear message in the form of record-breaking natural disasters, famine and epidemics. People are mobilizing for what lies ahead. In May 2007, the 8th International Permaculture Convergence (IPC8) was held in Brazil, bringing together visionary activists from 43 countries in the common goal of preparing for, and mitigating, our looming global crisis. Their strategy: Self-reliance and sustainability through permaculture. This timely documentary offers practical steps on how to 'permaculturize' our lives. It invites viewers into a permaculture community that spans the globe. Most importantly, it gives the critical inspiration needed to turn our backs on that which is failing us, and to create a sustainable future of our own making.

Source :

The Lessons of the Loess Plateau

EcopointAsia TV

Ecopoint has teamed up with the Environmental Education Media Project (EEMP), and John D. Liu, Founder & Director of EEMP, is proud to bring you this film. In 2005, the Chinese government, in cooperation with the World Bank, completed the world's largest watershed restoration on the upper banks of the Yellow River. Woefully under-publicized, the $500 million enterprise transformed an area of 35,000 square kilometers on the Loess Plateau — roughly the area of Belgium — from dusty wasteland to a verdant agricultural center.

Greening the Desert with Geoff Lawton, Original and Update

This half hour video documents the ongoing work of Permaculture Gurus, Geoff and Nadia Lawton, in the Dead Sea Valley. It begins with the famous original 'Greening the Desert' five minute video clip, and then continues into Part II, a 2009 update to the 2001 original.

If you prefer, you can watch the whole thing in one hit on :

You'll get to see and learn about the original Greening the Desert site and see some of the spin-off effects of its influence throughout Jordan, and you'll also be introduced to a new educational demonstration site that was started in 2008.

You can see the video, and more information about it, in its original post here:

This is inspiring, practical work - the kind of work that should be encouraged, supported and emulated worldwide. It is the ultimate root-cause type of aid work.

Green Gold - Documentary by John D. Liu


"It's possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems." Environmental film maker John D. Liu documents large-scale ecosystem restoration projects in China, Africa, South America and the Middle East, highlighting the enormous benefits to people and planet of undertaking these efforts globally.

More information:
What If We Change social media project:

Creating a Permaculture Food Forest - Josh Robinson


A food forest is a perennial polyculture of multi-purposed plants designed to not only produce lots of food, but provide many other services including pollination, pest control, fertility, mulch, and much more. This goes way beyond companion planting. Food forests are designed to be highly productive with the least amount of labor. This slideshow will explain how to create a sustainable orchard that is patterned after nature

This presentation was given by Josh Robinson on April 25, 2012 at the San Diego CRFG chapter meeting. For more info about our chapter and CRFG visit:

Speaker Bio:
Josh Robinson has a strong love of plants, soil, and ecology. It is only natural that he finds himself working to transform conventional landscapes into their full and sustainable potential as abundant gardens of Eden. Josh is certified in permaculture design and has a master's degree in Ecological Landscape Design. Josh also encourages people to reclaim their own gardens through education. He has taught numerous classes, workshops, and slideshows on permaculture and ecological landscape design including courses through Northern Arizona University, Coconino Community College, Prescott College, and the Ecosa Institute. Josh lives and gardens in San Diego at Higher Elevation Permaculture, an upcoming urban permaculture demonstration site. Please visit: &

Act for Seed Freedom : 2-16 October 2012


This video is available in multiple languages. Please visit the Seed Freedom video channel:

Join the Global Alliance for Seed Freedom in a global Fortnight of Action from the 2-16 October 2012. Please send us details of your planned events and actions for inclusion in our Fortnight calendar.

Join Facebook Event Page:!/events/436131536428020/
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