sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2012

Nature - Silence of the Bees

Watch the full episode of PBS Nature's Silence of the Bees, which looks at a recent phenomenon dubbed Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). In the winter of 2006, a strange phenomenon fell upon honeybee hives across the country. Without a trace, millions of bees vanished from their hives, leaving billions of dollars of crops at risk and potentially threatening our food supply. The epidemic set researchers scrambling to discover why honeybees were dying in record numbers — and to stop the epidemic in its tracks before it spread further.

'Colony Collapse Disorder' Threatens Bees, US Agriculture

Bees are critical to ensuring our food supply, yet they are disappearing at an alarming rate. Over thirty percent of our agricultural crops depend on bees for pollination, and bee pollination means about $15 billion in agricultural production for the United States. But the number of bee colonies has fallen by 45 percent in the last 60 years. In 2006, US beekeepers noticed something they've never seen before -- massive bee die offs. Every year since 2006, one third of bee colonies in the United States disappear. This mysterious bee die off came to be called colony collapse disorder. Colorado beekeeper Tom Theobald explains explains what's behind bee disappearance and what we need to do about it.

quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2012

Vídeo Técnico sobre Calda Bordalesa

A calda bordalesa (ou bordelesa) é a mais famosa das caldas cúpricas. Se não fosse a ação cáustica que o sulfato de cobre exerce sobre as plantas e a facilidade com que é lavado pela água das chuvas, bastaria derretê-lo em água e pulverizar. Torna-se necessário adicionar cal para contornar estes inconvenientes e obter um preparado com suficiente poder destruidor sobre os parasitas, razoável duração do seu efeito protector e nenhuma acção prejudicial às plantas. A calda bordalesa é admitida na horticultura biológica, sendo talvez um dos meios mais eficazes de combate às pestes.

Biosfera 325 Fruticultura Biológica

Faz bem à saúde, cuida do ambiente e oferece sabores originais, nem sempre fáceis de encontrar numa banca de supermercado. A fruta biológica tem atraído agricultores nacionais a investir num produto de qualidade, com reduzidos custos ambientais.
No Biosfera desta semana, viaje ao encontro de variedades regionais com cunho “bio”, como a pêra-rocha, a cereja de Resende e as maçãs de montanha de Armamar.

Aprovecho Spring 2012 Workshop : Institutional Stove Project Update

Fred Colgan, Director of the Institutional Stove Project, gives an update, including unveiling the new 100 liter stove, and placement of the autoclave ensemble in a hospital in Nigeria. Fred reports also on his recent trip to IDP camps in Darfur, where 100,000 children are being fed daily with our 60 liter stove, and Ethiopia, where these stoves have recently been placed in all ten refugee camps.

Peak Moment 214 : Rocket Stoves - Hot, Healthy, Efficient

Mike Hatfield says the magic of a rocket stove is getting the heat into what you're trying to heat. His tour of a rocket stove reflects designs perfected for decades at Aprovecho Research Center in rural Oregon. They also test and suggest improvements to stoves from developing countries, aiming to reduce smoke to help children's respiratory health. Fred Colgan shows specialized stove parts and assembly jigs he ships to developing countries, where local people construct rocket stoves from mostly local materials. Appropriate technology at its best! []

Audio, transcript and high-quality video of this show at :

terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012

Biosfera 133 : Biodiversidade agrícola em perigo

Qual a riqueza genética das espécies agrícolas nacionais?
Portugal já perdeu dezenas de variedades de cereais, frutos e legumes, devido à globalização de sementes híbridas e às monoculturas.
Apesar do abandono agrícola algumas associações e estudiosos têm-se dedicado a ressuscitar variedades de tomate, de maçã e até uma peculiar leguminosa - o chícharo.
Conheça a agrobiodiversidade nacional neste Biosfera.

quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012

Paul Taylor Talking at the PRI's Zaytuna Farm on Soil Restoration

Paul Taylor, the main teacher of our ‘How to Make Your Own Natural Fertilizer’ biological soil science course, is the managing director of Trust Nature Pty Ltd. Paul has been working as a recognized educator and sustainable design consultant for the past 30 years. Paul has Australian Federal Government FarmReady approval as an educator, is a recognized Permaculture Teacher and organic soil management specialist and has completed his Certificate IV in Education, Training and Assessment, qualifying him as an educator under the Australian Federal Government VET (Vocational Education and Training) guidelines. Paul has worked extensively as a consultant and educator in Australia, India, the Middle East and the U.S.A.

For more info, click here :

domingo, 17 de junho de 2012

The Secret Life of Plankton

New videography techniques have opened up the oceans' microscopic ecosystem, revealing it to be both mesmerizingly beautiful and astoundingly complex. Marine biologist Tierney Thys teamed with Christian Sardet (CNRS/Tara Oceans), Noé Sardet and Sharif Mirshak to use footage from the Plankton Chronicles project to create a film designed to ignite wonder and curiosity about this hidden world that underpins our own food chain.

View the full lesson:

Seeds of Freedom

Seeds of Freedom from The ABN and The Gaia Foundation on Vimeo.

A landmark film narrated by Jeremy Irons. Find out more at

The story of seed has become one of loss, control, dependence and debt.
It’s been written by those who want to make vast profit from our food system, no matter what the true cost.
It’s time to change the story.

Produced by The Gaia Foundation and the African Biodiversity Network, in collaboration with MELCA Ethiopia, Navdanya International and GRAIN.

Thanks to all those involved in making this film possible.
Produced & Directed by Jess Phillimore
Camera - Jess Phillimore, Jason Taylor, Damian Prestidge.

sexta-feira, 15 de junho de 2012

TEDxValedosVinhedos -- Zaida Amaral - Transição

Zaida Amaral é uma arquiteta ambientalista dedicada ao Design de Espaços Sagrados e Sustentáveis e na última década se especializou no design de Ecovilas e na educação da ssustentabilidade como ferramenta dos processos de Transição - pessoal, comunitária e global. É a grande embaixadora do movimento internacional Transition Towns, criado pelo inglês Rob Hopkins com o objetivo de transformar as cidades em modelos sustentáveis, menos dependentes do petróleo, mais integradas à natureza e mais resistentas a crises externas, tanto econômicas como ecológicas.

terça-feira, 12 de junho de 2012

trailer lastcall the movie

A visual response to the unlistened call of a group of scientistis of MIT to answer to the challenge of the finitude of resources supplies.

Donella Meadows "Down to Earth" Speech

Donella Meadows "Down to Earth" speech delivered in 1993 at a Sustainability Conference in Costa Rica.

Incredible Edible Todmorden - Reportage (VO-ST / Français)


Court-métrage mettant en évidence le travail totalement novateur d'auto-production de l'alimentation locale des "Incroyables Comestibles de Todmorden" par la participation des habitants en coopération avec les forces économiques, associatives et politiques du territoire, rendant possible l'autonomie alimentaire de la population.

Musique / Production / Réalisation / Montage -- Steve Hay
Narration -- Richard Tranmer
Sous-titrage -- Véronique et François de l'équipe I.E. Fréland
Production de la version sous-titrée en français avec l'aimable
autorisation de 'Haymedia'.

Consultation version originale sur Vimeo :

Site Incredible Edible Tormorden :

Site pilote "Incredible Edible" à Fréland :

Site de coordination "Incredible Edible" sur la France :

Méthode simple et gratuite de participation ouverte à tous :

Rapports des travaux en français sur l'expérience de la Transition "Incredible Edible Todmorden" et de la Nouvelle Économie Vertueuse de l'abondance partagée rendue possible par le processus de co-création du Nouveau Paradigme avec la participation citoyenne :

segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2012

Peter Bane - Permaculture in the World

Peter Bane, editor of Permaculture Activist magazine, takes a visual tour of permaculture in the world.

Peter Bane, editor of Permaculture Activist magazine, describes the principles of permaculture design, especially on the home scale.

Peter Bane, editor of Permaculture Activist magazine, describes the basics of how to prepare one's homes for an uncertain future.

Bane's book, published in June 2012, is titled The Permaculture Handbook and available from New Society Publishers.

The talk was presented at the Pierce Cedar Creek Institute Sustainability Conference.

The talk was recorded in high definition by Local Future founder Aaron Wissner.

quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012

"Our Seeds" - Nossas Sementes - Nuestras Semillas

Shot in 11 countries, original music, farmers interviews, first time NO COST release.
Following this Portuguese edition, we will put online other subtitbled versions in French, Chinese and Japanese. The original version is 16:9.
We carried all our equipment with amazing Crumpler bags designed in Australia.

Agriculture durable : vie et mort des sols par Lydia Claude Bourguignon microbiologistes sols LAMS

Lydia et Claude Bourguignon, micro-biologistes des sols (fondateurs du laboratoire LAMS) nous révèlent la faune cachée (acariens, collemboles, pseudo scorpions, vers de terre...) qui vit dans la terre, son utilité dans le processus de fertilisation des sols, sa destruction par l'agriculture conventionnelle chimique qui entraine petit à petit la stérilisation des terre. Ils nous expliquent leur travail de conseil aux agriculteurs à qui ils enseignent des méthodes pour "remettre leur sol débout" en restaurant la biodiversité des sols : rotation des cultures, utilisation des plantes de couverture, diminutions des labours... Claude et Lydia prônent une autre agriculture, libérée des intrants chimiques et respectueuse de l'environnement : une véritable agriculture durable.

Entretien sur l'agriculture durable avec Bernard Ronot.

Bernard Ronot est un paysan céréalier à la retraite. Il nous raconte comment, à l'age de 20 ans, au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il a commencé à cultiver son blé à l'aide du nitrate : une véritable révolution agricole, une révolution « verte ». Pendant 30 ans, il est resté à « la pointe du progrès », utilisant toujours plus de nitrates, de désherbants, de fongicides, de pesticides et d'insecticides.

À 55 ans, il décide de reconvertir sa ferme et de se libérer des engrais et des produits chimiques pour cultiver son blé. Il nous parle de rotation des cultures, de la vie des sols et nous livre son message pour une agriculture de demain plus respectueuse de l'environnement : une autre agriculture.

Problème global - Solutions locales

« Les films d'alertes et catastrophistes ont été tournés, ils ont eu leur utilité, mais maintenant il faut montrer qu'il existe des solutions, faire entendre les réflexions des paysans, des philosophes et économistes qui, tout en expliquant pourquoi notre modèle de société s'est embourbé dans la crise écologique, financière et politique que nous connaissons, inventent et expérimentent des alternatives. »
Coline Serreau

Dépassant la simple dénonciation d'un système agricole perverti par une volonté de croissance irraisonnée, Coline Serreau nous invite dans « Solutions locales pour un désordre global » à découvrir de nouveaux systèmes de production agricole, des pratiques qui fonctionnent, réparent les dégâts et proposent une vie et une santé améliorées en garantissant une sécurité alimentaire pérenne.

Caméra au poing, Coline Serreau a parcouru le monde pendant près de trois ans à la rencontre de femmes et d'hommes de terrain, penseurs et économistes, qui expérimentent localement, avec succès, des solutions pour panser les plaies d'une terre trop longtemps maltraitée.

Pierre Rabhi, Claude et Lydia Bourguignon, les paysans sans terre du Brésil, Kokopelli en Inde, M. Antoniets en Ukraine... tour à tour drôles et émouvants, combatifs et inspirés, ils sont ces résistants, ces amoureux de la terre, dont le documentaire de Coline Serreau porte la voix.

Cette série d'entretiens d'une incroyable concordance prouve un autre possible : une réponse concrète aux défis écologiques et plus largement à la crise de civilisation que nous traversons.

Bob Corker on the Kotare Village Eco-Village and Community Land Trust

The industrial revolution, coupled with its move towards privatisation of land and resources and its focus on capitalisation, has had effects which can be somewhat imperceptible when viewed over only a decade or so, but which become pronounced and dramatic when viewed since its inception until now. While the industrial revolution has brought not a few benefits — to some at least — it has also brought a host of significant negatives. The most obvious of these negatives, of course, is that the human race is, rather efficiently, bringing itself face to face with a potential complete meltdown of planetary biological systems, or, at least, with dangerously abrupt changes to them. But looking deeper at the problems of environmental collapse, we should quickly discern that our crisis is less about environmental systems than it is about people systems — the invisible structures that frame and facilitate the fulfillment of our needs, our ambitions and the form, and subsequent result, of the economic activity that comes from these.

In other words, our myriad crises find their source in a crisis of culture.
For more info, click here :

quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012

Tony Rinaudo : “Against the odds : Reversing desertification in arid and semi arid lands”

Tony Rinaudo talks at the Tenth International Permaculture Conference (Sept 2011) in Amman, Jordan, about the massively positive impact Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) has had on the world, and his vision to see the benefits of FMNR enjoyed by a great many more yet.

More here :

Zaytuna Farm Video Tour (Apr/May 2012) - Ten Years of (R)Evolutionary Design

Having spent the last few years seeking to establish and assist projects worldwide, and hearing some readers requesting more info on our own permaculture base site, I thought it high time I take a moment away from promoting other projects to shine a little light on our own work!

It had been a long time since I last visited Zaytuna Farm. Arriving in April 2012, more than two and a half years after my September 2009 visit, I was somewhat taken aback…. Back in 2009 the farm could somewhat be described as an unruly child — full of energy and enthusiasm, and flush with life, but not at all mature. Now, as I see Geoff Lawton’s vision for the property being played out more fully, we could compare the farm to more of a blossoming and beautiful teenager, still fresh in youth, but demonstrating a clearer sense of direction.

Geoff’s long term strategies are becoming evident, and it really is a sight, and site, to behold!

For much more info and pictures, go here:

sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2012

A Fome dos Camponeses (2006)

Título Original - La Faim des Paysans: Les labours du Futur, 2006, 52 minutos.
De: Clément Fonquerine e Piet van Strombeek.
País: França.
Narrado PT

Un milliard trois cent trente millions : c’est le nombre d’agriculteurs qu’on compte aujourd’hui dans le monde. Avec leur famille, ils représentent la moitié de l’humanité. Pourtant, huit cents millions d’entre eux ne mangent pas à leur faim, en particulier dans les pays du Sud. Au Nord, la situation n’est guère plus brillante. Sans les aides accordées par les gouvernements, la grande majorité des agriculteurs auraient disparu. Aujourd’hui 2% des agriculteurs de la planète fournissent la moitié de la production agricole mondiale. Cette concentration a pour corollaire un usage croissant d’engrais et de pesticides et pour conséquence la marginalisation de centaines de millions de petits paysans, écrasés par cette course à la productivité.

Or en 2050, il y aura 9 milliards d’être humains à nourrir. Sera-t-il possible d’y parvenir si on condamne des millions de producteurs à disparaître et surtout si on détruit l’équilibre des écosystèmes. En cédant à l’obsession de produire plus, ne risque-t-on pas au contraire d’aggraver la crise que de nombreux spécialistes prédisent ?
Source :

Cider making the cheap way

In this video Steve from Permanent Culture Now shows you how to make Cider the cheap way using apple juice from the local store.

Check out for loads more tips and tricks on how to live frugally.