domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

NorCal Aquaponics

Max Meyers with Mendocino Ecological Learning Center and Nor Cal Aquaponics being interviewed by Lindsay Hassett about the Aquaponics project taking place at Ukiah High School.

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

La importancia del suelo en la agricultura ecológica

Divulgación científica y técnica en Agroecología con los excelentes videos que viene realizando y difundiendo como experto en sistemas agrarios mediterráneos Alejandro Gallego Barrera.

sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012

3 Boys Farm, Award-winning Organic & Hydroponic Vegetable Growers

3 Boys Farm, owned and operated by Robert Tornello and located in Ruskin, on the west coast of sunny Florida, USA, is an amazing farm that combines the best of modern technology and time-tested methods to grow vegetables locally and sustainably. Using alternative energy sources such as solar panels and wind-turbines, and harvesting rainwater, 3 Boys Farm leads the way to a future of sustainable agriculture. Produced, directed, and narrated by Rick Lurding.

quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

Martin Crawford - How to Grow Perennial Vegetables : Low-maintenance, low-impact vegetable gardening

Perennial vegetables are a joy to grow and require a lot less time and effort than annuals. In this book Martin Crawford gives comprehensive advice on all types of perennial vegetable (edible plants that live longer than three years), from ground-cover plants and coppiced trees to plants for bog gardens and edible woodland plants.

There are many advantages to growing perennial vegetables, for example:
  • they need less tillage than conventional vegetables and so help retain carbon in the soil
  • the soil structure is not disturbed in their cultivation
  • they extend the harvesting season, especially in early spring 
  • and, of course, they are much less work.
Part One looks at why and how to grow these crops, and how to look after them for maximum health.
Part Two features over 100 perennial edibles in detail, both common and unusual – from rhubarb to skirret; Jerusalem artichoke to nodding onions. This book offers inspiration and information for all gardeners, whether experienced or beginner, and also includes plenty of cooking tips. It includes beautiful colour photographs and illustrations throughout.

Source :

segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012

Dr. Huber Explains Science Behind New Organism and Threat from Monsanto's Roundup, GMOs to Disease and Infertility

David Murphy of Food Democracy Now interviews Dr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology, Purdue University on discovery of new organism and crop disease, livestock infertility and threats to U.S. food and agriculture.

Support Dr. Huber's call for more science: Take action!

Permaculture - A Quiet Revolution

As corporate media fails to provide accurate news of the world's dire environmental predicament, the Earth sends a clear message in the form of record-breaking natural disasters, famine and epidemics.
People are mobilizing for what lies ahead.
In May 2007, the 8th International Permaculture Convergence (IPC8) was held in Brazil, bringing together visionary activists from 43 countries in the common goal of preparing for, and mitigating, our looming global crisis. Their strategy: Self-reliance and sustainability through permaculture.
This timely documentary offers practical steps on how to 'permaculturize' our lives. It invites viewers into a permaculture community that spans the globe. Most importantly, it gives the critical inspiration needed to turn our backs on that which is failing us, and to create a sustainable future of our own making.

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Another Life Is Possible - Homage to Catalonia II

A documentary, a research project, a story of stories about the construction of a sustainable, solidary and decentralized economy. Weaving nets that overcome the individualization and the hierarchical division of work. Thousands of people every day all over the world. Here and now.

"Homage to Catalonia II" is a documentary that is part of an academic research project. We investigate new economic cultures, new forms of living and of understanding the economy. For the IN 3, the High School Institute of Research of the University Open to Catalonia.

We study the social impact of the economics|economies that do not follow the patterns of the market, where profits are the priority, and that have the satisfaction of the needs and the desires for the persons as a goal.

A project of Joana Conill, Manuel Castells and Àlex Ruiz produced by IN3 under a Creative Commons license. This is the English version, there are also versions in Catalan and Spanish.

"Homage to Catalonia II" is a tool for research. Not a finished, conclusive and closed work, but a work in progress. We want this documentary to be open to everybody, in and out of the university realm, that's why it has a Creative Commons license.

sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

A Sustainable Farmer Talks Corn

Anthony Boutard shares the history behind the different varieties of corn that he grows, and describes their more notable uses. Anyone who knows Anthony, knows this farmer believes in growing a wide diversity of crops, including diversity within a species. It just so happens that corn being one of the oldest grains also has one of the largest number of varieties of any crop species.

Constructing an ecosan toilet -- A film from UNICEF

Ecological Sanitation is an important new approach to sanitation, which is truly sustainable. It uses almost no water in its operation, and human waste products are used as fertilizer. So three major objectives are achieved:
-- saving on water, a critically scarce resource
-- non-pollution of the environment by human waste, a major cause of disease and loss of human life
-- 'closing the nutrient cycle' : the nutrients (primarily Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and carbon matter) in our excreta goes back into the soil for re-use by plants. Instead of a one-way process where chemicals are mined and used for each crop produced, the same chemicals are returned to the soil for reuse.

This movie was created by UNICEF

Resilient Farms Conference


Film of the resilient farms talk at the off grid conference.

Second annual Farming Conference held at Fernhill Farm in the Mendip Hills. This years focus will be on building resilience in UK farming and exploring the true resource potentials of the sector. The conference will examine the potentials of ecological diversification of farms and estates, building local economic networks and brands, low carbon food production and the wider benefits of sustainable land management.

Featuring a host of presenters from across the farming world, as well as from renewable energy, waste management and environmental technology groups, the Conference will look at ways in which farmers and estate managers can diversify activity on their land to bring wider economic, social and environmental benefits, as well as building a farming sector in Somerset and the surrounds that reflects the need for greater resilience.

Sessions throughout the day will look at energy generation from sources as diverse as solar, wind and anaerobic digestion; waste processing; education programmes; tourism activities; network-building and local food production. Presentations will be short and lively with a focus on Q&As and discussion topics. Representatives from across the farming and rural sector will be taking part with the conference being introduced and opened by Michael Eavis of Worthy Farm and Glastonbury Festival fame. He will also be holding a Q&A session at the event.

Source :

Guerre Et Paix Dans Le Potager

premier épisode : Menaces sur le jardin (avril-août)

Le petit potager familial du Moulin Neuf, situé au cœur du bocage breton, tout près de la petite ville côtière de Douarnenez, n’est pas un jardin comme les autres : pour ne pas polluer le sol, pour manger des légumes sains, et pour ne pas transformer le potager en désert aseptisé, les jardiniers n’utilisent pas le moindre produit chimique, et cela depuis près de 20 ans. Ce potager naturel est filmé comme une jungle miniature peuplée de milliers d’animaux… et de quelques géants, les jardiniers.

la suite >

quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012

Plantas que curan, plantas prohibidas (con Josep Pàmies)

Josep Pàmies es un agricultor conocido por su apoyo a la iniciativa legislativa popular contra los transgénicos en Catalunya, y por ser miembro de la asociación “La dulce revolución”, desde donde promueve el conocimiento y uso de las plantas medicinales.

Hoy conoceremos algo más sobre estas plantas que curan y sobre la particular cruzada de Josep contra ciertos intereses que, al parecer, pretenden controlarlas.

The Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute

A digital short about the goings on at CRMPI and Ecosystems Design. Directed and edited by Justin Wright. Thanks to Danny Brown for additional footage. Thanks to Mackenzie Gibson and Chris Carnevale for script Assistance.

Permaculture with Peter Bane - Preparing for an Uncertain Future

Peter Bane, editor of Permaculture Activist magazine, describes the basics of how to prepare one's homes for an uncertain future.

Bane's book, published in June 2012, is titled The Permaculture Handbook and available from New Society Publishers.

The talk was presented at the Pierce Cedar Creek Institute Sustainability Conference.

The talk was recorded in high definition by Local Future founder Aaron Wissner.

terça-feira, 10 de abril de 2012

DOCUMENTAL El suelo en la Agricultura Ecológica´09. Alejandro Gallego

Vídeo financiado por la Consejería de Agricultura de la Junta de Andalucía, para la Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica, sobre el manejo del suelo en agricultura ecológica.

sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

Intro to Permaculture 0 - Overview

This video is an overview of our 18 part Free Internet Webinar Series. This is how we begin our Permaculture Design Certification (PDC) Courses and our 4-Day Suburban/Urban Training Intensives.

quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012

Aquaponics with Charlie Price

Shoots got the opportunity to talk to Charlie Price, the founder of Aquaponics UK. Watch our interview above to find out more.

TEDxWarwick - Charlie Price - Aquaponics - Getting More out of Less

Charlie Price from the social enterprise Aquaponics UK, explores the role aquaponics can play in the future of our collective food supply.
He provides an insight into both the applications for aquaponics but more specifically a new approach to urban agriculture, turning wastes into resources and transforming disused urban spaces to provide not only food, but resilient communities.

Radical Somerset Vegetable Growing: To Dig Or Not To Dig?

Charles Dowding is renowned for his radical approach to cultivating vegetables which includes, endearingly, a no-dig regime! Colleen Jackson of The Farming Channel, Transition Vision visited Charles at his base in Shepton Montague, near Bruton, Somerset to find out more. See more material like this on

terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2012

Dia de Campo na TV - Biofertilizantes e defensivos naturais para controle de pragas

Trabalhos desenvolvidos pela Pesagro (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Rio de Janeiro) estão ajudando o produtor a diminuir a concentração de agrotóxicos nas lavouras,com o uso de defensivos naturais para o controle de pragas.
Produção: Embrapa Informação Tecnológica e Pesagro-RJ
Responsável pelo conteúdo técnico: Maria do Carmo Fernandes - pesquisadora da Pesagro/Rio

segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

séjour aux Amanins centre d'agro écologie cofondé par Pierre Rabhi

 retour en images et en vidéos sur un séjour aux Amanins ((Drôme) en août 2011

Né en 2003 de la rencontre de Pierre Rabhi et de Michel Valentin, Les Amanins a pour vocation, sur 55 hectares, d'être un lieu favorisant la transmission des savoirs écologiques et agroécologiques. Pour se faire, il abrite une ferme, une école, des hébergements, des salles de réunion, des prés, des champs cultivés et des bois.

plus d'infos :

sur l'agroécologie :

tous candidat-e-s en 2012 avec le mouvement des Colibris :

Reduced Tillage in Organic Vegetable Production Webinar

This webinar will take you along Helen Attowe's 25 year journey to develop a reduced tillage organic vegetable production system.

Backyard farmers by necessity : self-sufficient & debt-free

When Myrna and Earl Fincher married 53 years ago they started farming their yard "out of necessity". Today, the Finchers make a living selling their organic produce to restaurants and at the local farmers' market twice a week for much of the year. They had no experience as farmers, but learned by trial and error.

why permaculture folks love comfrey Comfrey may be the most talked about permaculture plant. It is commonly planted under fruit trees because it does not compete with tree roots, but it does compete with plants that do compete with tree roots.

domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

El sueño del mirlo

El documental El sueño del mirlo cuenta la historia de dos huertos urbanos de la ciudad de Barcelona. El Huerto del Forat y el Huerto del Xino son dos espacios que han sido transformados de una manera auto-gestionada y comunitaria, pasando de zonas mal aprovechadas a centros de aprendizaje ambiental. Los personajes nos describen la historia de estos lugares y su forma de implicarse en los diferentes proyectos y actividades. Mientras conocemos los huertos, un mirlo, junto con sus amigos del teatrillo de la zanahoria, realiza un viaje en búsqueda de un lugar donde quede algo del espíritu de la naturaleza en nuestra ciudad.

Realizado por Klaus Jack en el Curso de Documental Social impartido en el Centro Cívico Pati Limona de Barcelona, en 2012.