quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2012

Miguel Altieri - Agroecology talk at Cornell April 2009


Dr. Altieri is an internationally recognized pioneer in the field of agroecology. His research program focuses on understanding the role of biodiversity in the control of plant pests. Working extensively with small farmers in Latin America, he has shown that many traditional agricultural practices can serve as models for modern science-based sustainable agriculture. Dr. Altieri has done extensive international development work in Africa, Latin America and Asia. For more information visit www.agroeco.org

Event 4-2-2009 at Mann Library Sponsored by the New World Agriculture and Ecology Group at Cornell (NWAEG), Soil and Crop Science Graduate Student Association, Society of Horticulture Graduate Students and the GPSAFC. For more information please visit: www.rso.cornell.edu/nwaeg/

Videography: Nick Vacsek