sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011

Seeded Crops and Living Mulch near Missoula, Montana

Helen Atthowe talks about green manures, no-till and minimal till systems. This is some video footage of sustainable agriculture experiments that Helen did a few years ago. The focus of this video is how seeded crops would fare with seeded green manures / living mulches. Previous (successful) experiments were with transplanted crops in living mulch.

Helen's expertise is with green manure, living mulch and advanced composting.

Many years ago Helen was an intern for Masanobu Fukuoka and she has spent her life attempting to extend Fukuoka's body of work.

Species mentioned in this video include: onions, dutch white clover, alsike clover, green beans, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants

Also mentioned in this video: fungi, soil food web, nitrogen immobilization, organic matter, residue, decomposition, nitrogen deficiency, record yield, field experiments, single shank subsoiler, tillage equipment, tiller, hand weeding, organic farms, vegetable production system, weeds, bare soil, annual weeds, germinate, germination, compete for water, soil fertility, yellowing to the older leaves, microbial process, bacteria, earth worms, soil microbes

quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

Reduced Tillage in Organic Vegetable Production Webinar

This webinar will take you along Helen Attowe's 25 year journey to develop a reduced tillage organic vegetable production system.

Helen Atthowe: Living Mulch

Conservation Farming and Sustainability, Missoula, Montana

Helen Atthowe, Missoula County Extension Agent (Missoula, Montana) talks about the farming techniques she used near Stevensville, Montana. She calls it "Conservation Farming".

Helen is well known in the Missoula area, not just as the Missoula county extension agent, but also as one of the most popular vendors at the Missoula farmers Market / Missoula Saturday market.

"The goal of our conservation farming is to increase farm profitability by decreasing labor and land requirements while striving to mimic the ecological principles that make native plant systems sustainable. The ecological principles we hope to mimic include reduced tillalge, increase species and genetic diversity, closed nutrient cycles, and creation of more diverse habitat. We look at our farm from a landscape or watershed level and hope to reconnect wild areas, agriculture and urban areas. Conservation agriculture is both biologically and socially a local agriculture."

"We're trying to develop an agriculture system, in this case a vegetable production system, that sponsors its own fertility."

Biological pest management: ".. mimic from a natural system is to sponsor our own pest control." "We're creating habitat for beneficial insects, parasites and predators ..."

"We are trying to provide habitat for birds, and pollinator insects and for other mammals that may be in the system. We're trying to create a link between natural systems and agricultural systems."

Includes footage of an all native hedgerow.

Helen talks about issues with voles and how the voles attracted snakes, coyotes and foxes.

music by Jimmy Pardo

sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2011

Kleinman The Reckless Honey Badger

The "Quirkiest" honey badger ever known:

This is the full sequence of the Badger vs. Snake videos you may have already seen.The other versions fail to portray the reckless character of the badger in its full glory. Enjoy...

It's an excerpt from the documentary titled:

"Snake killers: Honey badgers of the Kalahari"

"In 2002 this film won 1st Place in the Animal Behaviour Category at the International Wildlife Film Festival (Missoula) and was nominated for The Chris Award for Science and Technology at the Columbus Film and Video Festival. In 2003 it won best Animal behaviour at the Jackson Hole Film Festival, USA. It also won best Animal Behaviour at the Japanese Wildlife Film Festival and best Scientific Film at the FIFA International Wildlife Film Festival in 2003."

I also let the parts with the interesting mother-child relationship in, I think it's fun, didn't want to edit it out. I don't know their names though.

Congratulations and thanks to the documentary filmmakers for enabling us to get to know these cool animals. You can contact and support them through their website:

The Basics of Natural Farming

This video is about a garden I started in Preston Hollow, NY after reading Masonobu Fukuoka's "One-Straw Revolution" and applying those theories and practices to vegetable gardening.

To view part 2, please follow this linnk:

quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011

Dr. Elaine Ingham - Soil Food Web interview by and Permaculture.TV

Dr. Elaine Ingham is an energetic, easy-to-understand speaker who explains what life in the soil is all about. Behind this "user-friendly" approach lies a wealth of knowledge gained from years of intensive research into the organisms which make up the soil food web. Elaine not only understands the soil food web, she has knowledge on how to ensure a healthy food web to promote plant growth and reduce reliance on inorganic chemicals.

domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011

Sanitário Seco "Húmus Sapiens"

Video de divulgação do Sanitário Seco "Húmus Sapiens" desenvolvido pelo Ecocentro IPEC em PIrenopolis, Goias, Brasil. O Húmus Sapiens foi finalista do prêmio Tecnologia Social promovido pela Fundação Banco do Brasil em 2005.

Waterless toilets built with a urine separating toilet seat.

These are a great option where water is scarce and outhouses are smelly and unsanitary. Specially designed by Jacquelyn De Gracia for Ochento's Pizza restaurant, located in he Wine Country of San Antonio de Las Minas, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. These toilets do not contaminate nor produce bad odors. 100% eco friendly.

sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

Introducing ... The Lexicon of Sustainability

A short film by Douglas Gayeton and Laura Howard-Gayeton explaining the project. Animated and edited by Pier Giorgio Provenzano

In the upcoming series Joel Salatin, Will Allen, Wes Jackson, Richard Heinberg, Alice Waters, Michael Abelman and many others explain the principles behind the lexicon of sustainability.

To learn more ... and even get involved visit

sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011

Peak Moment 172: The Pee and Poo Show

Laura Allen gives an intimate tour of a home-built composting toilet in her Bay Area urban home. The nutrient-rich composted "humanure" is used to enrich the lush, edible landscape, and doesn't waste precious drinking water like flush toilets. The co-founder of Greywater Action shows the throne-like toilet compartment whose distinctive feature is a urine diverter. Pee and poop are collected in separate containers beneath the toilet, and are accessed outside the house. Sterile pee is watered in at the base of plants, while poop is collected in barrels and aged for a year or more until it has composted fully. What a way to go! []

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

Diversidade agrícola

Variedades tradicionais têm vindo a perder-se

Colher Para Semear
Rede Portuguesa de Variedades Tradicionais

Quinta do Olival, Aguda
3260 Figueiró dos Vinhos
José Miguel Fonseca - 236 622 218
Graça Ribeiro - 91 490 9334


sábado, 19 de novembro de 2011

Sementes Livres com Lanka Horstink

As good as it gets, in Portuguese. Lanka is the brain and the blonde behind essential action on seeds. Please support what she does. She is selfless and what you see is what you get, only better. See Lanka explain this in English

domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011

Comparing Organic and Conventional Agriculture in the U.S: What Can We Measure?

Presented live at the 2011 USDA Organic Farming Systems Conference by Dr. John Reganold, Washington State University. For all recordings visit

sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011

Urban Farming and the Future of Food Production: Curtis Stone Interview

Urban Agriculture is one of the only sectors that will see growth in the upcoming years. Because rising oil prices are making Industrial large scale agricultural methods too expensive, there will be a move towards organic urban farming practices in your yards.

This is an integral part of the future of our food.

Curtis Stone is an Urban Farmer, more specifically he is the owner of Green City Acres, a Sustainable Commercial Urban Farm, in Kelowna British Columbia. He farms ¾ of an acre as a full time job and is showing others that eating locally, organically, and fossil-fuel free is not only fun, but an integral part of our future.

In this interview we discuss:

-Green City Acres

-Sustainable Commercial Urban Farming

-The future of urban food production

-A thorough look through his farming setup

-The future of urban farming

-Much More!

sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011

MST - Wind Turbine School - Itapeva

This video depicts the process of making a wind turbine for generating electricity on a settlement of the Movimento Sem Terra (MST - Brazil's Landless Workers Movement). Made by Katherine Haywood (, Portuguese with English subtitles.

segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011


¿QUÉ ES ESO DEL SAS? Parte 2 de 3

¿QUÉ ES ESO DEL SAS? Parte 3 de 3

He aquí una síntesis de la propuesta del Programa Sistemas Alimentarios Sustentables (SAS) del GEA, AC, para fortalecer los sistemas agroalimentarios desde la producción ecológica hasta el consumo de alimentos más sanos, pasando por la conservación y la transformación, así como algunos caminos incipientes para su comercialización. Se trata de una propuesta sistémica e integral, ilustrada con las principales actividades realizadas a lo largo de los primeros seis años de la experiencia piloto de SAS, llevada a cabo desde finales de 2001 con la organización campesina SSS Sanzekan Tinemi en la región Centro-Montaña de Guerrero, México.
Duración total: 21:30.

Coordinación: Catherine Marielle (Programa SAS del GEA, AC).
Dirección y realización: Marco Díaz León (Programa GEAVIDEO).
México-Tenochtitlan, 2008.
Con el apoyo de EED.

domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011

Sítio é capaz de sustentar cinco pessoas

Gerar renda suficiente pra manter uma família com apenas um hectare de terra. A proposta vem de um instituto de Pirenópolis, em Goiás, que desenvolve projetos de sustentabilidade.

Implementação de canteiros bio-sépticos e cisternas de ferrocimento em Icapuí

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Como fazer um aquecedor solar de baixo custo

Existe uma maneira barata para ter um aquecedor solar. Para isso, bastam dois canos de água, forros de PVC e duas peças para separar e distribuir a água para o chuveiro de sua casa.

Maarten Stapper: Biological Agriculture: a third way?

If you didn’t catch it already, be sure to check out the previous post with Dr. Maarten Stapper’s first IPC10 convergence presentation. And, after several attempts, I finally managed to get his second presentation uploaded — you can click play above to watch this as well. With decades of experience in the farming industry, Dr. Stapper has a great deal to share, and a lot of insight to go with it.

Original location here:

sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011

El escarabajo verde - Permacultura. ¿Perma... qué?

La mayoría de las ecoaldeas o proyectos que proponen alternativas para utilizar los recursos energéticos, cultivar la tierra o mejorar las relaciones humanas se refieren a la permacultura como guía. Perma... ¿qué?, dicen muchos al escuchar la palabra. ¿Y eso qué es? Para tratar de responder a la pregunta un equipo de El Escarabajo Verde ha estado grabando en el Instituto de Permacultura Montsant, en Tarragona, que lleva unos 20 años formando a gente de todo el mundo, y donde la permacultura se aprende practicando.


Wetland Filtration For Ponds by Aquascape

Wetlands help filter and clean earth's water in addition to providing habitats for wildlife. Aquascape's patented Snorkel Vault and Centipede Module help to filter wetlands naturally and efficiently.

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011

Horta agroecológica


Veja como plantas companheiras e plantas espontâneas têm papel fundamental no canteiro.

sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

Canteiro Bio-séptico - Tratamento natural de esgoto

Conheça o canteiro bio-séptico, tecnologia finalista no prêmio Tecnologia Social 2009 promovido pela Fundação Banco do Brasil.

quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

SOIL not DIRT - Dr Elaine Ingham talks about Soil Microbiology

Dr. Elaine Ingham talks about soil fertility and the role of soil microbial life.

Dr. Ingham is a world-renowned soil biologist who pioneered many of the currently used biological soil amendment techniques and pioneered the testing of soil microbial life as an indicator of soil and plant health. Dr. Ingham is the Chief Scientist at the Rodale Institute. She is the founder of the Sustainable Studies Institute and the Soil Foodweb Inc. soil testing labs. Dr. Ingham is the key author of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Soil Biology Primer. She has been the mentor of numerous soil scientists and practitioners of ecologically balanced landscape design, and has helped farmers all over the world to grow more resilient crops by understanding and improving their soil life.

Dr. Elaine Ingham explains the Soil Food Web

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011

ProPeru Improved Stove video

Video of ProPeru stoves being installed and facts about the universal nature of the problem of indoor air pollution

domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011

Minhocário / Minhocultura

Vídeo do programa Globo Rural sobre como montar um minhocário (criação de minhocas), seus problemas e soluções.

sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011


RAZAS DE MAÍZ - Parte 2 de 3

RAZAS DE MAÍZ - Parte 3 de 3

El maestro Hernández Xolocotzi, uno de los principales colectores de maíz en México y que ayudó a identificar algunas de las 320 razas de maíz existentes en América, habla de los largos procesos de observación y adaptación que desembocaron en este tesoro vegetal.
En muchas regiones de México los indígenas y los campesinos siguen inventando razas de maíz al adaptarlas a las condiciones del ambiente local y la cultura propia, mas la destrucción cultural y económica de las comunidades rurales involucra también la pérdida del germoplasma propio.
El programa se ilustra con imágenes de razas de maíz y de la agricultura mexicana, y contiene animaciones de las razas de maíz y su ubicación geográfica. La música es interpretada por teenek, amuzgos, tarahumaras y mixes; hay asimismo piezas de Juan Reynoso, Antonio Zepeda y el Grupo Achalay.
Duración total: 23 minutos.

Dirección y realización: Marco Díaz León (Programa GEAVIDEO del GEA, AC).
Producción: Grupo de Estudios Ambientales, AC (GEA, AC), y Universidad Autónoma Chapingo.
Asesoría: Artemio Cruz León.
Fotografía: David Arriaga, Ricardo Montejano, José Manuel Pintado, Froylán Rascón, Marco Díaz León.
Guión: Catherine Marielle, Artemio Cruz León, Marco Díaz León.
Posproducción: Utopía en Video, Daniel Alcides Perla, Marco Díaz León.
México-Tenochtitlan, 1996.
Con el apoyo de Fonca, Conabio, UNAM, Radio Educación, CEMCA, Compa y FCM.

sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011

Agricultura Ecológica: del campo a la mesa

Agricultura Ecológica: del campo a la mesa por AlbaceteTeVe

España lidera el ranking europeo en superficie ecológica, y curiosamente, el 15 por ciento de esa producción se concentra en Castilla- La Mancha, segunda comunidad autónoma en superficie. Aunque la asignatura pendiente sigue siendo todavía el consumo, hay muchos que creen que con el carro de la compra también es posible cambiar las reglas del juego.

PAIS - Produção Agroecológica Integrada e Sustentável

O Brasil é referência em agricultura sustentável no Fórum Social Mundial. O método usado aqui, o chamado PAIS, foi apresentado no Senegal, onde acontece o fórum. O país africano já estuda como adaptar esse sistema por lá.

Minhocário Campeiro

A Embrapa trabalha em mais uma alternativa na produção de adubos orgânicos.Aprenda fazer um minhocário campeiro.

Minhocultura para produção de húmus